Computer Use Rules
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Student Diary Agreement (copy of Diary entry)
I understand that:
  • My password MUST remain confidential and must NOT be used or acquired by any other student
  • My personal server storage space and other network activity will be monitored by systems management
  • I am responsible for the content of my storage space and systems management has the right to report/delete unacceptable material
  • All internet and email activity will comply with the standards outlined in this policy
  • Failure to use the computing resources properly will result in the application of the “Behaviour Management Policy” and may result in access privileges being withdrawn.

Workstations & Networks
System managers maintain computers and networks in each curriculum area so that they operate effectively, and that the resources you need are available, and that the screen interface operates in a consistent way for you.
  • Do not remove files or folders that have been installed to the hard disk or network.
  • Do not install your own programs to the hard disk or network, eg  games, screen savers, screen mates.
  • Do not use inappropriate or offensive names for files or folders.
  • Do not bring to school, or use, games or any other materials which may be offensive to others.

The Internet & Email
The internet is available to all members of the school community.
  • It can only be used for the completion of studies-related research.
  • You are expected to work within the guidelines set out by the subject teacher.
  • Where internet facilities are available for casual use outside of lesson time, the established rules of the area must be adhered to.
  • Students will avoid sites with content that is violent, racist, sexist, pornographic, dominated by offensive language and/or illegal in any way.
  • Engaging in chat lines and/or downloading files is not permitted unless forming part of a legitimate class activity guided by the teacher of that class.
  • Inappropriate use of the internet and email is a serious matter and can have significant consequences, eg sending a message over the internet using someone else's name.