

Deciding Locating Selecting Organising Presenting Evaluating

Reading for information
Web Notes template
Bibliography record
Website evaluation

Obviously you need to select and record only relevant information, as you find it.

To be sure your information is reliable, you must also evaluate your sources, especially web sites. Do not assume everything on the 'Net is true and accurate!

Ask yourself:

  •  What information can I leave out? 

  •  How useful is this source? 

  •  How relevant is the information I have found? 

  •  How credible is the information I have found? 

  •  How will I record the information I need? 

Electronic notetaking or 'copy'n'pasting is a useful skill here. But do not waste time copying huge chunks of information, or even whole web pages that you then have to re-read later to understand how it fits your assignment.


BEWARE: Plagiarism or copying information and pretending it is your work is both illegal and unethical!


Thinking and making decisions is something you will do throughout the research process. At this Srelecting stage you will be:

deciding whether information is suitable, relevant and useful,

Reading, writing  and critical thinking are important at this stage of the process.

  • Reading Strategies - skimming and scanning can save you a lot of time.

  • Note-taking techniques - check out some different and quicker ways to make notes including online note-cards or use a...

  • Noting template - that keeps your information organised from the start so saves time later.

  • Evaluating sources - there's no point taking information from sources that are unreliable or out of date!

  • Bibliography worksheet - a quick and easy way to 'harvest' sites and record details for your bibliography, as you go.

  • Plagiarism - worry about this now, not when the assignment is finished!

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