is an abbreviation for Really
Simple Syndication
or Rich
Site Summary.
RSS files
provide content summaries of news, blogs, forums or
website content. Users select the rss feeds (content)
they wish to subscribe to. The feeds are generally
simple headlines and brief descriptions; if the user is
interested they can click to see additional information.
Applications like Pageflakes allow you to
'aggregate' or compile several feeds onto a personalised
individual or shared site. Most make it very easy to set
up your own RSS feed page and you can set up different
pages of RSS feeds for different purposes, personal or
for different research assignments.
- a personalized online desktop that allows users to
read news and blogs, check their email, start Web
searches and access a variety of services like
Del.icio.us or Flickr, all conveniently accessible
from any computer and from one page. Basically it's
all your daily information and needs in one place
- a free service that makes it easy to keep up with
your favorite blogs and newsfeeds. With Bloglines,
you can subscribe to the RSS feeds of your favorite
blogs, and Bloglines will monitor updates to those
sites. You can read the latest entries easily within
24eyes dashboard
a FREE online service for browsing, searching,
subscribing, and sharing RSS news feeds, blogs and
rich web content. 24eyes is a window to a whole new
world of thousands of news sources and dynamic
content that is being created and distributed over
the Internet. You can make your own personalized
news pages tailored to your unique interests
Directory of RSS feed aggregators