Powerpoint presentations


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Oral Presentations
Powerpoint presentations
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Powerpoint presentations, or slideshows, are often used as part of an oral presentation.

It is very tempting to simply 'read' your slides to the audience but this is just as bad as reading from a piece of paper. You still need to address and make eye contact with your audience rather than the screen.

Slideshows should provide the audience with key points (in large, visible font) which also act as 'prompts' for you when delivering your presentation. Some experts say the best slides have no text at all!

Have a look at these......

Find lots of other examples, or maybe also store your own slideshows on one of these sites....

Online Slide Shows
  • SlideShare - a place to store and share your slide presentations. Needs Flash Player 9 or above.
  • ShowBeyond - a multimedia slidecast creator, online publishing platform and story sharing community.
  • Online Slide Shows - a blog post about Web 2.0 online slide shows
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