When noting information from
any source you should always record the required bibliographic data,
before moving onto the next source.
can record your sources electronically as you find and use them....
1 Use the
bibliography worksheet
Method 2 -
DIY Electronic
Set up a spreadsheet or table in a separate window to the
Internet or CD-ROM you are using: You will need 5 or more columns in the spreadsheet or table; the
headings will vary slightly according to the format of your
Format of source
Bibliographic Data required |
Books |
Author | Title | Date of publication | Publisher | Place |
Encyclopedias |
Author | Title | Date of publication | Publisher | Place
| Volume No. |
Magazines |
Author | Title of article | Title of Magazine | Issue
No. & Date | Page No.| Publisher | Place |
Author | Title | Date of publication | Publisher | Place |
Internet |
Author | Title | Date of publication | URL | Date
accessed |
no date of publication mentioned, use nd.
If an Internet site has no author or date,
even when you backtrack to the home page, reconsider using the
information as it lacks authority!
should always record the URL and source of any graphics as well.
Include this information as a caption under the graphic for
copyright reasons.