Work out what you already know
or think about a topic through discussion and brainstorming with others or
by using
technology - and be pleasantly surprised!
technology - make the most of these 'point'n'click' tools.
If you are finding it difficult to come up with ideas, these sites
might set you off...
International Debate Education Association In depth debating resources with a huge range of topics, skill
builders, exercises and debate trackers. Membership is free.
Persuasion Map for Debating The Persuasion Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables
students to map out their arguments for a persuasive essay or
debate. Create a framework for an argument or debate on a printable
document. Similar to Inspiration, but in paper form.
ProCon Debating and issues resources A non-partisan, non-profit website presenting both sides of current
and perennial issues. Also feedback on continuing social topics.