Search Plan


Deciding Locating Selecting Organising Presenting Evaluating

Task Analysis
Learning Styles
Creating Questions
Search Plan
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Research checklist

There are just so many sources of information, it's hard to know where to start! However if you are organised and plan your efforts from the beginning, the rest of the process is so much easier!

Planning ahead is crucial to success - save yourself the stress of a last minute panicked effort that doesn't reflect your true ability!

Time management is a competency valued by employers as well as teachers, so it pays short term and long term to develop those good habits now!

  • Research Papers: 5 Things to Consider on the First Day

  • Big6 Research Organiser online tool

  • Search plan template

  • Survive high school - lots of useful advice on this and on other personal issues that you might have to deal with; this fun-style site is well worth exploring .

  • Try using this online tool to plan your weekly schedule. Alternatively use the Microsoft Outlook calendar on your personal computer or any other online calendar. If you get a 'traffic jam' where all your assignments are due at about the same time, discuss your schedule with your subject teachers, well in advance of any due dates.

  • You should have your own personal directory space on the school network. Set up folders for each subject and assignment folders within each subject folder to keep all your work organised. Always back up your work here, even if you prefer to use a portable storage device (USB/thumb drive), as these can fail or be lost/damaged.

If you have a valid reason for a deadline extension, you may be able to negotiate this, or an assignment modification, with your teacher - but BEFORE, not after, the due date! Your teacher may, at their discretion, mark however much you have done, so always submit the work you have managed to do - some marks are better than none!

If you don't have a good reason, you need to learn from your mistake and brush up on your time management and organisational skills for the next assignment.

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