Creating Questions


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Creating Questions
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Asking yourself and others the right questions at the right time, is obviously crucial in finding the information you need, quickly. This chart and the following links should help you create your own questions..........

WHO did it?
WHO invented it?
WHO discovered it?
WHO is responsible?
WHO was there?
WHO said it? 
WHO was it?
WHAT is it?
WHAT does it look like?
WHAT does it sound/smell like?
WHAT does it eat?
WHAT if the opposite were true?
WHAT happened?
WHERE did it happen? 
WHERE does it live?
WHERE does it occur?
WHY did it happen?
WHY can’t we stop it?
WHY is it getting worse/better? 
WHY did it start? 
WHY is it like that?
WHICH year?
WHICH part?
WHICH type is it?
HOW does it work?
HOW long does it take?
HOW does it...?
WHEN did it start? 
WHEN did it happen?
WHEN was it seen?

Good questions are carefully worded so that you get the answer/information you need.

Useful links

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