Before you go on line...............
Have a very clear idea what information you are looking for
fact or opinion; original research or news articles,
historical or as current as possible?
how general or specific is your search, how many sources
of which type are required?
to develop a list of search terms or phrases; use synonyms and related
terms to widen or narrow your search; be prepared to use
boolean logic.
not rely on the Internet as your only source of information
it can often be quicker and less frustrating to use
books, magazines and other in-school digital sources, so check them out first!! Use your search
terms and phrases with your school
library catalogue. If you are still unsure how to do this, ask your
friendly teacher librarian.
it is wise to cross-check your information from a variety
of sources. Anyone can publish anything on the internet, so books
and even magazine articles are generally more credible sources.
your assignment may require you to use more than one
information source in any case.
people can be valuable sources of information too. Obtain
information from people via phone calls, email inquiries (including
'Ask an expert' services),
interviews or surveys.
Select the appropriate
search tool
Do the
search, taking advantage of any advanced or refining techniques available.
Every engine or directory is searched differently. Using any
advanced search option available will refine your search more quickly and
produce more relevant results.
Skim and scan
documents and determine if the information is relevant and credible.
Remember anyone can publish anything on the Net. You have to
be able to verify your sources. [see
Evaluation of web sites]
Use the
webnotes template to record relevant information and the URL etc. Save
any useful graphics (recording those sources too). Downloading/printing lots of web pages and graphics can become
expensive. You may prefer to record likely URLs to revisit in more detail
later, using the
portable bookmarks template
or a bookmarking service such as
Repeat the search
process using different tools and techniques if necessary.
It is almost inevitable that your search will have to be
repeated or continued at different times, so save as you go and don’t forget
to record URLs!!
and don't forget............
your friendly teacher librarian is always ready to help you! |